At the AGM held 3rd July, 2002 Chris Lowe made a nomination for Bob Lindsay to be accepted as a Life Member of our Club, this was seconded by David Loring. The minutes reported that:-
“Chris Lowe outlined Bob Lindsay’s contribution to the Club since 1992 and as Editor of ‘Up The River’. Bruce Dunlop also spoke in support of the motion. Ron Burwood also spoke for the motion and noted Bob Lindsay’s contribution at every level particularly his role in organising the Club’s 50th Anniversary and the 50 years history book. The motion was passed unanimously by acclamation.”
Bob joined our Club in 1990 as a Spiral sailor and quickly became involved with the Management side of things. In 1992 he was elected to the Management Committee as an Ordinary Member before taking on the role of Editor of Up The River for 12 years from 1993 until the end of the 2005 season. During his period as Editor of Up The River Bob produced 69 copies of our magazines and 12 issues of our Year Book. For most of this time he was also Publicity Officer and in his role as Publicity Officer managed to get the two local newspapers to publish many articles about the Club’s activities as well as some in commercial sailing magazines.
Over the years Bob was very involved in our working bees including at one stage refixing all of the wall and floor tiles in the men’s bathroom after it was relocated when the first boat storage area was added. He also was quite prominent in taking care of repairs to the Club’s training boats. From the commencement of the 2006 Bob accepted the role of Club Handicapper working with a new computer programme which took a little bit of sorting out but in the end worked quite well. He had this role for 2 seasons. Bob also came to the Club to assist on Wednesday afternoons during the 2 years CRSC was supervising sailing for the Seven Day Adventists School.
In May, 2001 CRSC nominated Bob for the Ryde City Council Volunteer Recognition Award and he received a certificate acknowledging his efforts in his work in the Club’s activities. Bob and his wife, Carol, moved from the area to Callala Bay during the winter of 2008 after which they will both drop in to visit from time to time whenever they came to Sydney. After his move south Bob assisted at Jervis Bay Sailing Club with its disability sailing programme, “Sailability”. In 2014 they moved into a retirement village at Worrowing.

Bob passed away on 2nd February, 2017 at the age of 76 years and his funeral was held at the Shoalhaven Crematorium and 15 members of our Club went down and attended it.