The AGM meeting of 18th July, 1990 saw the above four Club members proposed for Life Membership. Alex Whittle was the first nomination and was made by Chris Lowe and seconded by Chris Lloyd-Owen. In supporting his motion Chris Lowe spoke of the long association that Alex had had with the Club covering some 25 years. He made special mention of the ten years Alex had held the position of Club House Official and during this time he had looked after our premises without fuss and with dedication. At that time Alex was no longer sailing but had moved to the rescue boat acting as race starter and performing rescue boat duties. Other members spoke for the motion and wholeheartedly endorsed the nomination which was carried by acclamation.
Also at the same AGM it was moved by Chris Spary and seconded by John Quinlan that Bryce Ellis and Chris and Pauline Lowe be also honoured with Life Membership. In his notice of motion Chris Spary stated that ‘I feel that the contributions of these people in the smooth running of the Club House and associated activities over a long period of time are worthy of recognition, and hope that the Club members generally will be agreeable to this proposal.’ The mover made further comments in support of his nominations in stating that the dedication of Bryce during the fitting out and care and maintenance of our new Club House in spending many hours in this work over a number of years. Mr. Spary also followed up on his nomination of Pauline and Chris Lowe for their dedication over a long period in their many capacities particularly in managing the Canteen. This added invaluable financial resources from canteen sales and also from the sales of other Club paraphernalia. These nominations were also accepted by members present with acclamation.
was one of the earliest of Heron sailors at our Club but late in the 1960s switched to NS14 and his crew was initially his daughter, Julie, later followed by her son Simon Bird. Simon was his crew when Alex gave up on his active sailing at the end of the 1989/90 season before Alex moving into the rescue boat duties. In addition to his efforts already mentioned he was Treasurer in 1971/72 and had been NS14 Class Captain in 1978/79. His rescue boat stint went for 7 seasons from 1989 until 1996 but during the last year he was not regularly on the water due to ill health.
In addition he helped in many areas without making a fuss or fanfare about these tasks. Alex was our Club House Official for 10 years from the beginning of 1979/80 until 1988/89 and was greatly involved in fitting out the change rooms in the new Club House when we first moved in. Alex was a very friendly person who would help and give advice to anyone who asked for it.
One little known fact is that Alex drafted the original course map in our initial Year Book for the 1980/81 season. He made many friends during his time at our Club and was well respected by all. Alex passed away during July, 1997 and was missed by all who knew him. To quote from Sandra Donovan’s article informing members of his death in UTR of August, 1997 “There’s no doubting that this Club had a very special place in his life … but no more than Alex had in the life of the Club.” A very fitting tribute - one we all could be proud of by being remembered in this way.
Bryce appeared to have his first mention in the minutes of our Club in February, 1953 when he was given “permission to skipper a boat called EDWIN in the 5th heat of the Club Championship”, this was a VS which belonged to his cousin, Lionel, who was going to be away and as he was doing okay in the point score wanted to try and retain his spot with a fill in crew. Bryce told me he joined in 1952 and at that time he used to haunt the Club on the chance of getting a spot on someone’s boat for the afternoon as an extra hand, bailer boy.
He then acquired a VJ called “Zephyr” which he competed in and then sold late in 1954 when he was called up for his National Service Training and left the Club. He returned in 1984, to sail a Tasar with his son. Darren, just as the new Class was formed. He was soon elected to the committee as an Ordinary Member on the Committee in 1986 and served in this capacity for 3 years until 1989. The next season he was appointed as Club House Official and continued in this role until 2008 a total of 19 years. During this time we have seen so many changes around our property and most of it is due to the drive and determination of Bryce to get the work done.
He has been an inspiration to other members and instils in them a sense that things can get done. Soon after he took on his position he was starting to think about expansion and the first extension was the virtual doubling of the size of our Club House. What a job this was for a group of amateur builders but under Bryce’s guidance it ended up a very professional piece of work. What other Sailing Club over the water can boast of Tulip Oak walls, thanks to Bryce we can! I am assured that Tulip Oak is the correct timber and not the Tasmanian Oak or Ash as has been written previously!
He has been able, through his contacts, to save our Club many thousands of dollars in getting items at the best price available – some of which being the very best, i.e. free! As everyone knows in the winter off season of 2001 the deck was the next stage of development followed in 2007 by the roof over this and Bryce’s enthusiasm for these projects got many members, from younger to older members, involved in the building work. In the off season of 2008, his final effort as Club House Official was the supervision of the refurbishment of the decking on the walkway and this should last years into the future. I have forgotten to mention along the way amongst the other projects he was the driving force some years ago in encasing the piles under the Club House in concrete. He is leaving big shoes to fill.
In May 1997 Bryce was the recipient of the City of Ryde Council’s Volunteer Certificate of Recognition for his personal contribution in adding to the lifestyle of Council’s local area with his Club work. When the Club was supervising sailing for the Seven Day Adventist School, for two years Bryce was present on Wednesday afternoons helping out.
During the winter of 2016 a further extension was being added to our Club House and even though Bryce was not our Clubhouse Officer by then he was still down at the Club House doing a lot of the work. In his honour the extension was named “The Bruce Ellis Boatshed”.
Bryce eventually finished his sailing in his Tasar “KERMIT” at the end of the 2018/19 season after being an inaugural member of the Tasar Class. At that time decided to relinquish his long time position as an “Ordinary Member on the Management Committee”.
Also for the start of the 2019/20 season Bryce organised the replacement of the timber in the bottom section of our boat ramp. Bryce is always seen pottering around attending to things that needed to be done.
The Lowes joined CRSC in 1979 when they started sailing in an NS14. During 1984 they commenced ‘after race sausage sizzles’ and due to the success of these the next season ran them after each Club Championship Heat and thus raising quite a sum of money for the Club’s coffers, this tradition they started still continues today.
Then Pauline became involved with the canteen and was the Canteen Manager for 5 seasons from 1987 until 1992. Also for much of this period she was our Assistant Treasurer from 1988 to 1991. Under her watch in the canteen other fund raising items, like T-shirts, were obtained and sold adding to profits. Since then, she was on the Canteen Committee for many years and would often still be seen helping with functions in the salad and sweets areas. She helped to make the canteen a profitable area for our Club. Although she is not seen around the Club very much these days Pauline is still every interested in the welfare and operation of our great Club.
Chris was involved in the affairs of our Club for 25 years or more. In addition to helping Pauline with canteen matters, Chris started out like many of us by becoming elected on to the Race Committee back in 1983 serving on this and also on the Management Committee in various capacities for a total of 16 seasons, between 1983 and 2008. During this period, he was NS14 Class Captain for 2 seasons from 1984 to 1986, and Commodore for 6 seasons from 1993 to 1999 as well as being Assistant Secretary for 4 seasons and lining up again this season again in this position. Not to be forgotten was his very important 3 season stint as Club Registrar from 1990 to 1993 and also as an Ordinary Member to the Committee for 2 seasons from 2000-2002.
Chris served a 3 years term as President from 2002 until 2005 and was then on the Starting Panel for the 2006/07 season. Then as Past President he continued on offering his wisdom on the Management Committee for a further 3 years. Chris has not only been involved in Management Committee duties, but he has been our Club Plumber almost from the day he joined our Club, fixing and adding plumbing items around the place; in addition he has been very involved in the construction of the original additions to our Club House and then subsequent deck and roofing additions.
Whilst he was a member, he was still regularly seen on working bees and maintenance around the place. Chris and Pauline sailed for many seasons in a couple of different NS14s and then when Pauline gave it away Chris went into Moths and Spirals. He decided to go to a more user-friendly boat and at the age of 59 years sailed a Heron with his grand-daughter, Shannelle Wardle.
In May, 2002 Chris was nominated by the Club and was awarded a certificate for the Ryde City Council Volunteer Recognition Award acknowledging his tremendous work for our Club over the years.
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