
Concord & Ryde Sailing Club Inc

Life 2012


At the Club’s AGM in July 2012 Keith Leslie, Sonia & Craig Burwood were nominated for Life Membership of CRSC

Keith Leslie

Ron Burwood in his motion for nomination of Keith Leslie as a Life Member, made the following observation that “after just on 14 seasons in this position Keith has well and truly set a new record for tenure in the position of Treasurer, as well as Registrar for 10 years – the previous longest for Treasurer was 6 years and we hope that he will continue for some years still. In recent times the current level of funds has allowed him to place $50,000 aside as a provision for any major works which may need to be done on our Club House when approved by the Management Committee. Keith, the entire Club Membership appreciates the enthusiasm you have put into your duties and we say a big thank you.” Sandra Donovan seconded the motion which was enthusiastically accepted by all.

Keith joined CRSC in the 1991/92 as crew member for Nick Brown in his Tasar “Shoki”, and has participated in this capacity ever since. During his first few years at CRSC Keith was not involved in the Management side of things but since then he has certainly made up for it since becoming well and truly deeply involved in the Club’s affairs. Keith could be seen around the club doing his bit in working bees, occasional shifts in the rescue boat, canteen duty and duty class work as well as acting as a relief crew for other Tasar skippers, but his biggest impact started in October, 1998.

When the position of Club Treasurer became vacant in October during the 1998/99 season when the then Treasurer resigned Keith put up his hand for the position. Our President at the time wrote that ‘Keith claims he was convinced to take up the job of keeping the books in balance and keeping us solvent by the extremely attractive rate of pay!’ Keith very quickly slotted into this position which also entailed being the Registrar until the Management Committee made this a separate position for the 2008/09 season. 

He agreed ‘to take on the job of keeping the books in balance and keeping us solvent by the extremely attractive rate of pay’. Over the years this job has become more onerous and Keith has stepped up to things as they arose. He has kept a close watch on all aspects particularly fees, recommendations for class trophy expenditure and also the Club’s various insurance polices as premiums rose. Over the years in consultation with Martin Wiblin, our insurance broker, they have managed to get large reductions in premiums on our various policies. Most Saturdays after the races Keith can be found sorting out the cash from the canteen takings ready for banking the next week. 

Over his tenure Keith has been a very competent Treasurer producing a detailed statement for each of our monthly meeting although he will agree occasionally a statement was missed due to his business trips overseas but the details were soon caught up in the next month’s accounts. He has also been involved in various applications for our Club to Department of Sports & Recreation Grants.

At our Club Christmas parties Keith very ably carries out the duties of Santa Claus and with his own beard he looks the part! As of the 2024/25 season Keith is still our Treasurer and his record will now stand at 27 years in the position.

Sonia and Craig Burwood

At the time of their nomination the details of Sonia and Craig’s input to our CRSC was recorded in UTR by Sandra Donovan and it is reproduced here. “Sonia and Craig Burwood have also made an outstanding contribution over many years. They came into the Club at different times. Sonia (as Sonia Swindells) joined the Club with her family in 1971 and crewed on a Heron with her father. After a few years away Sonia came back to the Club after purchasing a Spiral in the 1982/84 season, sailing in “A” Division, the first Spiral at the Club, Craig on the other hand joined the Club as a crew for his father in a Heron in 1979. He purchased a Spiral during the 1984/85 season, the attraction may not have been the clean lines and attractive profile of a Spiral dinghy but that of a particular person sailing one. (A direct quote: ‘long legs and short shorts.’)

When the Spirals formed their own Class in 1985/86 Sonia was the first Spiral Class Captain. She continued in the Spiral until the 1989/90 season when she had a break for a few years as their children started arriving. She initially went back to Spirals but eventually went into Herons in 1997 with daughter Tiane as crew. Sonia became Heron Class captain in 2004/05 a position she held until 2009/10.

Craig continued to sail Spirals regularly until 2003 and then spasmodically until he started to assist Ted Kendrick in the rescue boat. He was a permanent fixture on the rescue boat from the 2005/06 season becoming PRO from the 2006/07 season to the present. The position of PRO is probably the most important in the Club as without someone willing to commit week in and week out we all would not be able to enjoy our sailing and be able to host interclub events which bring extra into our Club coffers. As if taking on this position was not enough Craig has also been canteen purchasing office since 2005/06 (responsible for ensuring that there are plenty of drinks and snacks available after a hard race) and of course he is currently in his second year as President. 

Over many years, even when she had no official position, Sonia worked tirelessly behind the scenes (and still continues to do so) She organized games etc for kids at the Christmas Party and Presentation Day, she assisted with social events and catering for same. Craig regularly manned the BBQ for these events. Both helped with many School Holiday camps. Sonia sourced and arranged for Club shirts, hats and caps and organized the annual Heron bush walks. She made course flags as well as buoy flags and assts with the finishing when not sailing. As a husband and wife team, they have supported and helped each other in the various positions and tasks each has taken on at different times.

Craig and Sonia Burwood’s nominations as Life Members of the Club were moved by Sandra Donovan and seconded by Garry Ormes. Carried by acclamation of the Club members present.

Craig was our President for 3 years from 2011/12 until 2013/14 seasons and was again elected to this position from the 2017/18 season. Over the years Craig has been involved with the drawing of plans for the various extensions to the CRSC Club House building and submitting them to authorities for approval, As well he has been involved in many discussions of the owners of Halversons and authorities about the plans for changes to the marina attached to the building. With other from CRSC involved the number of boats being catered for have been substantially reduced. As well he and other members have also had discussions with various Government Departments and Ryde Council about the protection and reclamation of our beach with the installation of a groyne which was eventually approved and construction of this should commence early in the 2019/20 season.

Sonia has retained most of her interest as listed above and again took up the position of Heron Class Captain from the 2017/2018.

Sonia has retained most of her interests as listed above and again took up the position of Heron Class Captain from the 2017/2018 which she held for 4 seasons until 2020/21. She has also been a member of our Social Committee for many years. For the past couple of years including this season they have taken on the running of our Trivia Night.

At the start of the 2024/25 season Craig was re-elected for a further term as Club President. Craig also continues as PRO and is now in his 20th year as such. Both Craig and Sonia are still involved in many other areas.
