Murray Dismorr - 2013
Murray Dismorr was recognised for Life Membership at the Club’s AGM on 10th July, 2013 for his efforts for CRSC over the years. David Loring made the proposal outlining the details of Murray’s journey with CRSC. Murray joined the Club in the 1989/90 season as a Spiral sailor and soon became involved in the affairs of the Club. He was elected as ‘an ordinary member of the Management Meeting’ for the 1992/93 season and held this position until the 1999/2000 when he was elected as our Commodore.
During this period he did a complete overhaul of the Sailing Instructions, simplifying them and ensured that they were in line with the ISAF Blue Book. Murray held this position for 8 seasons until 2008/09 when he was elected to the position of President. He held this position for the normal 3 years period and in 2011 was elected as Vice President, a position he was in at the time of this nomination as a Life Member. Murray was an excellent sailor winning the Club Championship in the Spirals and then later in the Herons.
He was involved in many things over the years some of them behind the scenes. A summary was given starting with the organisation and installation of the solar power system on the roof and continuing with other things. The design and building of the buoyancy tanks for the Club’s training Sabots: the purchase and installation of the winch for the rescue boats, The purchase of a high pressure hose to maintain the ramp: the fit out of the small RIB with console steering and seat; the design and building of the complex but workable engineering design of a road trailer cum ramp launch trolley for the small RIB.
In addition he did fibreglass repairs to the training boats and assisted with every development within the Club House. He also ran the Trivia Night for our members which was held at the Club. As well he was a fount of knowledge on the rules of racing and conducted rules and training nights for the members. There many other things mentioned about his efforts. David McClean moved the motion of Life Membership for Murray Dismorr which was seconded by David Loring and this was carried by the members.

After this Murray continued to participate in the Club affairs returning to the Management Committee as ‘an ordinary member of the Management Meeting’ for the 2014/15 season. For the 2016/17 season he switched to “A” Class sailing a Sabre. Soon after this Murray moved from the Sydney area and ended his sailing with CRSC.