Nicole Williams - 2016
At the CRSC’s AGM in 14th July, 2016 David Loring put forward a Life Membership nomination for Nicole Williams. He told a story about a young girl’s introduction to sailing and said Nicole was introduced to sailing from the age of 4 years by her father, Frank Williams, who back then had a cat rigged Sailfish sailing boat. Then when she was 12 years old her father purchased a Heron and they joined our Club in 1982/83 with Nicole as the crew. A few years later Nicole decided to change to crewing in NS14s and Frank went into Spirals. She became a well sought after crew by a number of NS sailors, including her future in-laws the Donovans.
Her confidence grew and she decided to sail a Spiral in 1996 so she purchased Spiral #257 “AEOLIAN” which she sailed until 2010. Her sailing improved and she commenced sailing in Spiral State and National Titles twice winning on handicap in 2001 and 2015. A story was given that at the State Titles in 2015/16 she gained some renown when she capsized and lost her centreboard in an horrific storm on Lake Macquarie and was rescued by a kite surfer. He landed next to her, picked her up and deposited her 100 metres away right next to her capsized Spiral #838 “PEGASUS THEORY”. No other Spiral sailor is known who has been rescued in this way.
As to her nomination for Life Membership David indicated that: “Nicole is best known to most members as the Editor of Up The River which she has been doing since August, 2005 – 11 years – taking over from Bob Lindsay. This is a job for which she is well qualified, having attained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications back in 1992.
Nicole’s approach to both Up The River and the many other publishing and advertising items she has produced for CRSC has always been truly professional. She has set the highest standard in producing our newsletter, flyers, posters and other hand out material as well as being our resident photographer providing photos for UTR as well as many other newspaper articles promoting our Club.
Nicole also had taken on the role of Publicity Officer for a few years and was the joint Social Coordinator organising raffles back in the early 1990s. She and husband, Steve, have already established a legacy with the next generation of their family, Eleanor and Timothy, involved at CRSC taking it in turns to crew for Steve in his Heron.
We are very fortunate to have the services of a person who is not only an excellent designer but has demonstrated and extremely high level of commitment to this Club. For all these reasons, I strongly believe that the one person who should be considered for CRSC Life Membership is Nicole Williams.”
The above was moved by David Loring and seconded by Ron Burwood. The motion was carried by acclamation
In addition to producing regular issues of UP THE RIVER Nicole has been responsible for all publications, be it flyers, posters, forms etc. Our magazine has a reputation from many clubs as being the best sailing club magazine around. Recently a visitor who was a member from a Victorian sailing club was in our Club House and asked if he could take a copy of our Up The River back with him to show the members of his home club.

For season 2024/25 Nicole is still continuing in her role as Editor of Up The River for the 20th year and during the time she has been doing this she has already produced 85 issues of UTR, Year Books and Annual Reports for each season. A tremendous effort in just this alone and she has been involved in many other things as well.