Your donation will make a big difference for your local sailing community.
We are committed to creating and sustaining a fun, family-friendly, local sailing community for you, your families and friends as well as children, which is at core of what we do at the Club. We cannot achieve this without your support. Your generous donation can support for community outreach programs for kids and young people, club facility build, service improvement, and much more.
Donate Now!
Why should you donate?
- Support a local club and feel part of the community.
- Help kids and young people to discover the fun of sailing sport.
- Plus, your donation to the club is tax deductible.
Where does your donation go?
All the donations go to the maintenance of our fleet and club facilities and the delivery of the club training programs for both adults and kids. The fund will make sure that our training fleet including Optimists, Firebugs, Spirals, and Herons receives regular maintenance and servicing to keep our training programs up to date. It will also support acquisition and construction of new boats for training program delivery.
Firebug build by our boat building program

Maintaining the Deck of our Clubhouse